Search the property for hidden art. If found, take a picture of it and take the artist's name and #longhouseartforay on Instagram or Facebook to be entered for a chance to win the piece you have found.
Don't take or move the art!
If you don't use social media, take a picture and send an email to us at info@longouse.org with your contact details and you'll also be entered into the drawing.
The end of the game is on Saturday, October 31st at 4:00pm. We will draw random eligible winners from a hat on Saturday, October 31st at 4:30pm and notify the winners, who may collect the art from the LongHouse office during open hours.
Art Foray at LongHouse is curated and produced by Scott Bluedorn.
Participating artists include:
Brianna Ashe (@bmashe)
Scott Bluedorn (@Theo_blue)
Rossa Cole (@rossacoleart)
Conrad DeKwiatkowski (@conradeartist)
Fitzhugh Karol (@fitzhugh_karol)
Laurie Lambrecht (@laurielambrechtstudio)
Mica Marder (@mpelagica)
Alexander Perez (@30secondsofstarless)
Almond Zigmund (@saintsquid)