As part of our internationally recognized Art in the Gardens program, Jack Lenor Larsen and the LHR Arts Committee have assembled a collection of more than 60 contemporary sculptures for display in the LongHouse gardens. Throughout the 16-acre site, permanent works are on display along with those on seasonal loan from artists, collectors, and dealers. Whether you return to see an old favorite or walk the grounds in search of a new installation, LongHouse entices with noteworthy works and magnificent vistas.
"It's a special year for Jack Lenor Larsen. At age 89, he is celebrating the 25th jubilee of LongHouse Reserve, his 16-acre sculpture garden in East Hampton. The estate's sandy dunes, wooded glens, and walking paths - bursting this time of year with daffodils, crocuses, tulips and Eurasian fritillaria - keep almost casual company with works of modern and contemporary art. The sculptures are all so deftly placed within the landscape that it is difficult to imagine them fitting elsewhere.
Mr. Larsen, a renowned textile designer, author and art collector, shares his garden with the public. "I wanted LongHouse to introduce people to an alternative lifestyle, to encourage them to be inventive and nonconformist," he said." - Joyce Beckenstein, NY Times. May 8, 2016
Click here to read Beckenstein's entire New York Times piece, "Back to a Changing Garden".