JACK YOUNGERMAN, Black and White

JackYoungerman’s sixty plus years in art include more than fifty one-person exhibitions, including the seminal exhibit in 1959, Sixteen Americans, at the Museum of Modern Art, and a retrospective of his paintings and sculpture at the Soloman R. Guggenheim Museum of Art in 1986. The white and black resin sculptures on view were created in the 1980’s in Bridgehampton, where Youngerman has had a studio since 1968. These sculptures result from the transformation of a flat rectangle into compound curving forms, via simple torsion. They partake of the South Fork dunes, wave, wings and leaves. The works rest effortlessly at LongHouse with the gardens complementing their natural shapes.

Additional information on the exhibition available here.

Click here to see the catalog of the show.

This installation is made possible with the generous support of the artist’s studio, Washburn Gallery and The Drawing Room. Art in the Gardens is funded in part by Suffolk County.