Saturday, February 18, 2017, 1:00-2:30pm
LongHouse Reserve, 133 Hands Creek Rd, East Hampton

Back by popular demand, this is the first of two winter walks led by LHR Horticulturist Alex Feleppa.  Learn about plants’ natural defenses to combat the winter months, and how to best protect your favorite specimens.  Special attention will be paid to LongHouse Reserve’s unique and vast conifer collection.  In addition, view the Asian witch hazels now in bloom, and learn what plants to add to your own garden to create four seasons of color.  Be sure to dress appropriately.  Hot beverages will be served. INstore will be open from 12:30-3:30pm.

**SOLD OUT**  
If you would like to be placed on our waiting list, please email or call (631) 329-3568