
Learn more about volunteering at LongHouse.

LongHouse volunteers contribute in many ways to daily operations and experiences. New volunteers are interviewed and placed according to LongHouse needs. As these needs change, other opportunities for volunteering can become available. 


LongHouse receives approximately 23,000 visitors each year. Over 3,000 of those visitors are students, from Pre-K through college, and educators.

LongHouse Docents are volunteer educators and ambassadors. In addition to guiding visitors on public and specially arranged tours, leading guests on Twilight Tours, or providing information during special events, LongHouse Docents lead School Tours. Our docents enrich the lives of adults and children alike by offering a personalized experience of the intersection of art and nature at LongHouse Reserve.


School tours are always free of charge, can be arranged throughout the year, and may be tailored to meet each group's needs. School groups are encouraged to schedule visits outside the hours of Open Days (Mondays and Tuesdays, 10am-5pm, or Wednesdays through Fridays, 10am-12pm).


Docent-led guided tours can be arranged for groups year round.


Docent-led Twilight Tours are available Monday evenings in July and August with prior reservation and are limited to 20 people.


Docents are on site April through December, to provide complimentary tours, Saturday and Sunday at 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm. 


Whether you’ve but a few hours to give or can devote more time to help in the office or during events, we welcome you and your talents as part of our LongHouse community. Learn about all the ways you can join our most valued team.

For information on opportunities, contact Esperanza Leon, head of Education and Community Engagement.


Children and families are encouraged to pick up our Hand in Hand brochure and explore the gardens on an interactive treasure hunt of LongHouse together.

Parents of children who have visited LongHouse before are encouraged to let their children lead the way! They will feel proud to be your docent.

We want every visitor of any age to make a special connection with LongHouse. Frequent visits will allow visitors to experience the dynamic intentionality present in every part of LongHouse: to encounter the sculptures in new locations, witness how the gardens change with each season, and enjoy special events and activities.